
Sensory, immersive retail concept

08 March 2017

Insights from a previous study suggested that consumers, especially millennials are looking for an escape, and heavily need to destress, unwind and reconnect with their minds and their emotions. This retail concept aims to do this by bringing different brands together in order to create a calming, expressive atmosphere.
The study aims to gain insight into the proposed retail concept idea, and to gain opinions and thoughts on suggested names, colour schemes, etc.


Ethical approval

This study has been approved by Nottingham Trent University department of ethics committee on the 08/03/2017.
All results will be taken in the strictest confidence and will only be used for the purpose of this study.

About the researcher

I am currently a undergraduate student at Nottingham Trent University undertaking my dissertation on the disconnection from digital technology by proposing a new retail concept which combines, experiential marketing, mental health awareness and sensory immersion.

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